Ohio Diocese Armor Bearers Young People’s Union (ABYPU) Mission Statement
To sustain the Kingdom culture through relationships, accountability, honor, fruits of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit and impartation.
To ensure that every Youth Member is being fathered or mothered and embraced in covenant relationships with brothers and sisters.
To equip the Youth Members and leaders to share the uncompromising Gospel through hands-on ministry (i.e., street witnessing, evagelism and outreach)!
To see Youth Members develop their gifting and call (i.e., music, art, eveangelism and preaching).
The Ohio Diocese ABYPU’s theme comes from Joshua 1:9:
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. (#IAMJOSHUA #THEJOSHUAGENERATION)
Resources for ABYPU Leaders
For copies of: The International ABYPU Manual, The International ABYPU Brief Order of Procedures, and the International ABYPU Logo…click here.
International ABYPU Homepage:
Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ ABYPU Homepage
Keep up with us on Social Media…
To “Like” COOLJC’s Ohio Diocese-ABYPU on Facebook click the link below
To “Like” COOLJC’s Ohio Diocese on Facebook click the link below
Sister Kelli Thomas, Ohio Diocese ABYPU Chair
For More Information or Concerns:
Email the Ohio Diocese’s ABYPU at Ohio.Diocease.ABYPUDept.Cooljc@gmail.com.